Tuition and Application Fees

Duration Application Fee
(Starting 11/1/2020)
(including handling fee)
Tuition Handling Fee (Starting 12/1/2020)
9-month $21, including $1 handling fee $325 $7
6-month $475 $14
3-month $595 $14

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Enrollment Fees Breakdown

  • Application Fee
    The application fee covers the cost of processing the application.
  • Tuition
    Tuition includes instruction, a completion certificate from Keck Graduate Institute, course materials, uniform shirts and clearance costs. This is a one-time payment that covers the entire duration of the program.
  • Refunds
    Application and Tuition Fees are non-refundable.

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Other Program Costs

  • Immunizations, TB Screening & Titers
    All Junior Health Scholars will need to have current immunizations and recent TB screenings during the clearance process. You may also be asked to get titers, which are blood tests that check for immunity to certain diseases. Requirements vary by site and will be discussed further during interviews. Immunizations are generally covered by health insurance or may be obtained from a school health center or low-cost community clinics. You may need to obtain the titers at your own expense.
  • Uniform
    All Junior Health Scholars are expected to wear khaki pants, white non-canvas shoes, and a white polo shirt to training.
  • COPE Connect Membership
    COPE Connect, the COPE Health Scholars alumni network, establishes lifelong engagement with our alumni through an online and in-person community of health care professionals and pre-professionals joined by a commitment to professional development and a culture of lifelong learning. COPE Connect is a valuable resource for the wide range of COPE Health Scholar alumni looking to connect, continue the journey of lifelong learning, access new career opportunities and grow professionally. Your tuition includes a one-year membership to COPE Connect. Membership automatically renews annually at the rate of $30 per year; however, when the tuition payment is submitted, an opt-out is available. COPE Connect offers members-only discounts, networking events, workshops and more.

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Tuition Assistance

A limited amount of tuition assistance is available to assist with a portion of the tuition. Tuition assistance applications can be provided during interviews. We also accept scholarships from outside organizations.

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Transfer Fee

Junior Health Scholars desiring to transfer from one site to another site within the Health Scholar program will need to pay a fee of $145, meet all clearance requirements for the new site, and attend and pass training in order to complete the transfer.

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